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The last few days have been quite exhausting, two little girls with tonsillitis, the Barton Moss camp has gone on overdrive with the police reported as going really heavy handed and using every loop hole to stop the protestors, so I’ve not been able to visit again, as I don’t want to get caught up in it and I’m full of a cold.

However, art wise I have had a lot going for me, I’ve been given an opportunity to attend the No Boundaries 2014 with a free artists ticket and I’ve got some really good ideas that I want to try out for the Barton Moss camp site.

As a parent, an artist and someone who thinks far too much, this week has been pretty tough but it’s also been really good for me. It has given me time to think and time to analyse the work that I’m doing and the work I want to do.

This week is half term so I’m doing lots of art with the girls, we have felt tips, white paper plates, some gloopy glue, pencils, lots of different papers and a whole lot of imagination. When the weather improves we are going to the woods to create some twig weaving and some dens, we might even make some tree rubbings and collect some things to make a collage, who knows what this week will bring as the kids are getting to choose the art. This feels very liberating to me, I might even do a project that is led by the girls instead of me, now that would push my boundaries.

As for next week, I’m really looking forward to No Boundaries, it will be quite scary as I’m going on my own and I’ll be without the girls, but it should be really good and it will be worthy way for me to meet new people from the art sector. I’ll post some info on here to let everyone know how I get on.