I was in a train crash yesterday at the front of the front carriage…everyone was shaken up and no one was hurt. The car the train ran over on the tracks at speed almost derailed the train.

I’d spent 3 days in front of 3 computers updating my 3 websites with the webmaster. I’m so fortunate to have been able to make the decision to pursue painting and designing gardens. Computers are so cold!

The whole day was bizarre…the taxi driver from Afghanistan gave me a subjective insight into his country…30 years of war (3 generations) trapped politically between Russia and The West with internal tribal battles…the CIA having trained the Taliban originally and the Americans giving support to a tribe who are known for being lazy and untrustworthy…the ‘answer’ it seems is communication…put down all weapons, say sorry and move on to understanding their cultures…simples

The muslim taxi driver was ashamed of OBL and prayed that he would convert to Christianity…WOW!

www.artswain.com updated

www.eartharchitecture.co.uk updated


If it takes me 10 years to complete one watercolour…it’s all about quality…quality of thought…



Just returned from France having abandoned all attempts to landscape an area under snow and ice at the back of our home in Domfront…Imfuc*ingpossible!

Being positive…I had more time and energy to develop my watercolour in the warmth of my studio.

