Seeking sanctuary…a safe place, a quiet place, a contemplative place, a comfortable place, a place to reflect for a few moments or as long as it takes. Similar size to a small garden shed and placed every mile or every five or ten miles by the side of the road in all countries, depending on the need of individuals. Simply walk in day or night, sunshine or rain, close the door, stand, sit or lie down.

It's raining, you enter and select from a drop down menu on one of the surrounding screens the mood you are in at present. Enter any other thoughts, emotions, concerns.

Relax, close or open your eyes and experience a contrived world of images, sounds and smells to lift you out of yourself and position you in a place where you feel more positive, more self-assured, more hopeful, more peaceful.

When you feel ready to, press the screen in front where it reads,

'Now return to your important life and try to remember you and everyone is an artist and everything is art'.

The door opens and outside it's still pissing down with rain…