Just back from talking to an individual artist. Refreshing how honest and open our conversation was. Pointed out clearly this time, that they need to be aware of the comments they make as the audio would be posted on to the global internet and who know who might listen to it. But this warning did not hinder our conversation.

It was great having our conversation around our sense of place and how as artists we try and figure out how our practice fits within the landscape, along with ways of earning a wage. Also discussed how to move up the ladder, how art competitions are turning you down due to lack of experience or lack of exposure, but how you get these experiences without getting the work, the opportunities. As a lot of young people are finding out, it is very difficult. And it does not necessary get any easier as you get older.


episode five of creative conversations has now gone live. http://creativedialog.wordpress.com/

This week I talk to Alan Rogers, Cultural Coordinator as part of the Weymouth and Portland 2012 Operations Team, at Weymouth Pavilion.

Alan’s past jobs have involved a lot of collaborations, a lot of working in groups and with other artists. Then applying and getting the job in Weymouth. All he has done now helps him in the job here.

Stasis for Alan is the middle of Dante’s hell. Stasis is a not productive form to be in. Whereas creation is to re-build something. That creation comes out of destruction.

Do people who live here, or move here, have different expectations around what art and culture they want in the area. Are they happy with the current state of play?


Interesting, just editing my latest version and again have been asked to cut out remarks that could hinder peoples chances of future commissions.

People have felt comfortable in talking openly to me, but once given a chance to listen to these talks and reflect on what has been said, they suddenly start stressing out that people in positions of power, ie arts administrators and curators, will take offence and they will no longer get any work from these people.

& it is shameful to say that nowadays it is all about PR and how successful an event was. And never about looking slightly critically and learning lessons for next time. That curators will take offence with you saying anything seen negative and childishly say ‘well we won’t work with them again’.

Wondering should I give the people I record my conversations with a chance to review the draft edit?

Thinking that I should not. That once a conversation is recorded they person will not hear it until, like everyone else, its gone live on air.


Very interesting how people are nervous of upsetting businesses, arts council funders with comments they make. As just finished editing one recorded conversation and as soon as its posted I have had the person I’ve recorded asking me to take it down!

They haven’t even heard it, just nervous as to what they might have said and I suppose how this might affect their future income. This is from someone who in the past has been rather outspoken, or so I thought.

IS this a sign of the future when we have to go cap in hand to philanthropists. Will we have to be watching what we say, watch our thoughts, let alone what we might actually do.

I have taken the podcast/post down as I am doing the recordings in the spirit of friendship, that they are conversations and not aggressive interviews.

Have to wait and see what they say, see if they want anything cut out. Be interesting what they say, watch this space …


creative conversations is getting a great reception and i have been pleasantly surprised with the reception i’ve received and the amount of listeners so far – to what i thought might be a bit too dry radio show. After all who wants to hear people gassing for 30 min!

Bur as I like to listen to talk radio and i thought there might be an audience, and this is proving to be the case.

I have been asked to be interviewed about the show for a program on soundartradioFM.
