I have looked in to the mood enhancing chemicals released behind listening to music. There has be a study that suggests that chemicals are released in to your system at the peak of enjoyment in a song.

Research in to this has found out that the chemical released is Dopamine similar to the response of food or money. Dopamine is also connected to the feeling of ‘falling in love’.

In this study, levels of dopamine were found to be up to 9% higher when volunteers were listening to music they enjoyed.

Music frisson is “chills” consistently, to the same piece of music, without diminishing on multiple listening or in different environments. The Dopamine is released in the moments of frisson in a song.

A key element of the study was to measure the release of dopamine, when the participants were feeling their highest emotional response to the music.

This is what I would like to express in my paintings the emotions behind music translated in to art.

Source article http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-12135590 



After time away from painting and struggling with new ideas I have decided to have a little idea making session.

I have an idea to plan paintings around meaningful lyrics or quotes. I came up with this idea when thinking about what to do for my upcoming 10/10 Project. I have had a hard time coming up with new ideas because I have been busy with The Auction. I decided to go back to why I paint, which is because of the connection between expression of emotions through painting and colours. I also remembered the recent connection between emotion and music I have been exploring. Putting this together to find the songs/lyrics etc to mean the most to me and creating something from them.

Here are some examples of lyrics/songs.

‘The worry cracks a fracture from your hip to you’re chest’ – Half Moon Run – Full Circle.

Two Door Cinema Club – Sun 

Alabama Shakes – Gimme All Your Love 

Damian Rice – My Favourite Faded Fantasy  

David Bowie – Moonage Daydream 

I find it very hard to explain what this songs do for me as I feel uncomfortable   discussing my emotions, I even find it hard to write this blog explaining the context behind what I do as it is all very personal. I also find it hard to talk about my mental health issues but they are a lot to do with my art. It is a very personal part of me that I struggle with a lot more than I like to admit. The only way I now how to express and release these emotions is to listen to music I relate to and to paint. Its a coping mechanism that I have found and it works for me. I really don’t like to talk about this but its the main reason I do what I do and that needs to be explained.

In the future I would like to look in to the stigma behind mental illness as I do feel judged as a weak person for having problems and I don’t feel that that is right I am a strong person. I would like to express that in my work some how, its something to think about.