While thinking about what to put in my degree show I came up with some idea’s. At first I thought about displaying my art pieces side to side down the corridor seen when people first enter the studio’s and if I needed to have them on the opposite walls, but after some thought I decided that that would be a little boring.

I then looked to my studio space I have really enjoyed using that space and thought it might be good to use it. I have paint on one wall that was left over from when I went over the sides of canvas’s (as I am very messy). After time the mess has become really interesting and I think it would be a very good art piece by its self.

Also my ‘Black Hole’ pair of painting fit perfectly on the other wall, and the space next to mine has a good sized wall to display my other pieces. I was thinking of putting ‘Wild flower’ on that wall but it would take up most of that space, and I will have the paintings from the 10/10 project some of them could be good enough to display so I will have to see.

This is what my studio space looks like at the moment.

I will paint the far wall white again and maybe the floor back to grey. I think I have made up my mind hopefully it will work out.


The last two weeks I have worked on music inspired artworks. I decided to refine it from painting from many different songs (because the outcome was a bit of a mess) but to concentrate one song per art piece.

these where the out comes.

‘Moonage Daydream’.

‘Full Circle’

‘Give me all your love’


‘My favourite faded fantasy’

The links to the songs are in a later post.


After more reading through Colour: Documents of Contemporary Art I have discovered more about the theory of colour and how it is used.

It is said by David Batchelor the editor of the book that artists that use a lot of colour are usually female. I have to say that a disagree with this, I think it is very closed minded to stereotype in this way. I think is is very old fashioned point of view that using colour would be feminine.

He also says its childish because bright bold colours attract children. cartoons use bright colours to engage children as do there toys. I think that is why colourful art attracts so many because it appeals to there inner child.

Colour is also attracted to advertising eye catching and synthetic. Bright bold colours where also used in pop art derived from advertising.

The main point he made was that colour stirs emotion and that is the point I agree with. A perfect way to show this is by watching this. It is a video of colourblind people that see in full colour for the first time.

Paul Gauguin explains the ‘Personalities’ of colours. for example when we think of red we think of fire, anger, rage, pain, blood, sex, passion and love. Whereas blue reminds us of The sea, rain, water, depression, sadness, melancholy and cold. I think this reflects in my work.

There are also discussions on how abstract art is more than just mindless markings of colour. It is well thought out marks and colours that are put together to complement each other to create a moment in time or an emotion. It is very hard to get abstract colours to work well together to do this you have to have a great understanding of colour. I feel like I have this through much experimentation.


I have been reading though Colour: Documents of Contemporary Art. I have been getting a better understanding of colour and how it is used in my work. Like a have said it is from emotion but after reading through this book I understand know that it also comes from everything around me like nature and my surroundings.

I found a post on my tumblr blog that shows this.

In my work I use mostly pinks, greens and blues.

Here are some inspirations.






I have looked at songs/lyrics’ as inspiration and now I have found quotes from my tumblr.

I found ten for as part of my 10/10 project.

“Everything I’ve ever let go of has claw marks on it.” – David Foster Wallace

“Our eyes met and suddenly I forgot how to breathe.” – Unknown

“You are not weak just because your heart feels so heavy.” – Andrea Gibson

“Temporary; I have never heard such a word that made me feel both terrified and relieved.” – Mandeq Ahmed

“Like wildflowers; you must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.” – Unknown

“We are made out of comets and stars. Do not surround yourself with those that treat you like dirt and dust.” – Noor Shirazie

“Some people are born with tornados in their lives, but constellations in their eyes. Other people are born with stars at their feet, but their souls are lost at sea.” – Nikita Gill

“For a star to be born, there is one thing that must happen: a nebula must collapse. So collapse. Crumble. This is not your destruction. This is your birth.” – Unknown

“You may think I’m small, but I have a universe in my head.” Yoko Ono

“There was another life that I might have had, But I am Having this one.” – Kazuo Ishiguro

I am thinking about the feeling behind each quote and making a piece of artwork to go with them. After the 10/10 project I will select the best ones and have them put in my degree show.