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While thinking about what to put in my degree show I came up with some idea’s. At first I thought about displaying my art pieces side to side down the corridor seen when people first enter the studio’s and if I needed to have them on the opposite walls, but after some thought I decided that that would be a little boring.

I then looked to my studio space I have really enjoyed using that space and thought it might be good to use it. I have paint on one wall that was left over from when I went over the sides of canvas’s (as I am very messy). After time the mess has become really interesting and I think it would be a very good art piece by its self.

Also my ‘Black Hole’ pair of painting fit perfectly on the other wall, and the space next to mine has a good sized wall to display my other pieces. I was thinking of putting ‘Wild flower’ on that wall but it would take up most of that space, and I will have the paintings from the 10/10 project some of them could be good enough to display so I will have to see.

This is what my studio space looks like at the moment.

I will paint the far wall white again and maybe the floor back to grey. I think I have made up my mind hopefully it will work out.