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This is what I made that was inspired by Tracy Emin. An installation piece, scattered with various pain-pills, topped by a torn pillow with a heavily make-uped face jutting from it. I made sure to scatter make-up around too. This is about violence against women (not to say men also do not experience this violence, but rather, I wanted to target something I had personally been involved in) and I made sure I kept that consistent with all my other pieces. This is the centrepiece.

Theres something horrible about it that isn’t just in its grime-y nature… its the aftermath, its the time after rape and abuse and anything else that could be going on. Its the disgusting nature of the lives of women who are being sexually abused. I tried to make it as overtly crude as possible because I want people to stare and keep staring, look around, almost ‘explore’ the outskirts of the bed as if its a puzzle. The distance between the pillow and the foot of the covers makes you lean inwards a little… but not too much. You can never really be close to ‘her’ face.