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Its easy to tell someone to run.

But its hard to actually… run when you are broken. I’ve always found horses interesting, the way they are utilized by human society, the way they are treated. When a horse is broken, it is put to sleep. When it can’t run it is killed. Sometimes humans cant run away, they cant cry for help, and because their abusers might kill them they instead opt to kill themselves. Its a cruel fate, and it is much more common than the media lets it out to be.

Once again I’m using orange; I love that colour. To me, it has no negatives, it is so rich and wonderful and bright. This creature I’ve made out of food and pillow stuffing is unable to run, just like the people who are suffering from abuse– plain, disjointed, but recognisable… I love animal imagery, because I feel like sometimes people forget that we are animals, too.