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Body Marbling is very popular at festivals by simply dipping your arm or other limbs into a barrel of paint that transfers the pattern onto the skin and can easily be washed.

The dip – dye consist of Guar Gum mixed in water, Mordant solution is added but optional known as Alum is used to thick up the solution. Colourant is then added such as the paint with high pigment or even fluorescent after dipping wash in clean water  to take left over paint off and finally leave to dry, it will stay on for 8 – 10 hours. You are ready to party!!

Body marbling can not only be transferred onto the body but many other things, such as clothing, shoes and even hats.

I hope to experiment with body marbling myself and hope to add another element and maybe a performance within my work.

See website : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arerNtH8awc