After spending the last few weeks doing work for fundraising it was such a relief to get back to painting this Monday. I have been eagerly awaiting this week as it is the week that I had pencilled in to start a large painting. I have previously made the frames, stretched and sized the canvas so it was with great excitement and trepidation that I set to work.

The painting comprises of 4 panels, each panel is 175cm x 90cm and when put together creates a painting of 175cm x 360cm.

It is early days with this painting and there is a lot still to do but I am very pleased with the progress so far. The frustrating thing is waiting for the paint to dry. I am working in diluted acrylic in large quantities and it takes several days for each application to dry. Luckily I have lots of smaller paintings to be getting on with. So I work on the large painting in the morning then leave it to dry and then continue with the smaller oil paintings.

I am lucky enough to have 2 studio spaces so I can be working on more than 1 thing at a time.

I have also got to finish my proposal for the final degree show this week and I am having trouble deciding what to exhibit. I am aware that I don't want to overcrowd the space with too many paintings but want to get as much as my work seen as possible. It's a conundrum!

Exhibiting is a funny thing. I am really confident in my own practice and the work I am producing but when it comes to hanging the work I don't have the same confidence. Maybe this will come with time.