It is really slow going at the moment. All the spaces are being re-built for the exhibition, none of them are properly finished with loose boards, missing supports and panels etc. It's all a bit of a mess really. Some students decided to paint their spaces today even though they look far from finished.

I went into the space this afternoon as I had to look after my little boy this morning. It took me about half an hour to locate some of my equipment and also to discover that most of it was missing. It has always been a problem at University. Certain students do not have any equipment and think that it is fine to use other peoples stuff. I wouldn't mind so much but it is never put back and often gets lost. I discovered that my drill and bits were all missing, I recovered my hammer and screwdriver but lost a quantity of wood that I had put aside for shoring up my walls. I also found one student happily painting her space with the remains of my emulsion paint that i use for priming my canvases. Sometimes it feels like I am funding more than just myself to be at Uni.

I will be in the university tomorrow. I have a few panels to secure to make a doorway and then repair the walls before painting which should mean that I can get my large paintings up on the wall and start painting back into them early next week.

I have a huge list of stuff to do that runs alongside the show. Career in practice, proposals, journals e.t.c I think that the only way to get it done would be to take a few days off. I'll have to see what the progress is next week.


Today we were actually given our spaces, well correction. If they existed we would have been givent them. We had a meeting this morning with our 1st year helpers to find that only half the people had bothered to turn up..and incredibly that includes the third years.

The space we are exhibiting in has to be totally canged around and we made a start on it today but unfortunately we only got a few spaces done. We have to work around the fact that other courses in the area won't move out until next week and some who should have been out today just didn't bother. It all seems a little political. Anyway, the goog news is that my space is virtually built. I hope to tweak a few things over the next two days and then paint the walls on Friday…all being well.

I'm finding it quite difficult in this run in to the degree show. It's all a bit too sedate and slow paced. I must admit I am used to getting on with things as quickly as possible by putting in some good hard work but this affair seems almost static. It's really frustrating as I just want to get in my space, finish my paintings and then hang them. I suppose patience is not my strongest point so i'm just going to have to keep biting my tongue and groaning inwardly.


The last week was not very productive at all. I got a few paintings done early week but that was all.

The postcard show took more time than I expected it to do. 2 full days in total setting up. To be truthfull I was extremely dissapointed with the majority of my fellow students. We asked for help in putting the show up and we only had the three of us. Vitor, Patrick (Husband of one of our students) and myself. To be quite frank I am fed up of doing all this hard work so the rest of the group will benefit.

Anyway, enough of the moaning, the show got put up and it looks really good. We start on the 6th May and we have a get together on the 10th May 12.15pm at the Brewhouse Arts centre, Burton upon Trent. I will post some photos up later.

I had a small setback on Saturday morning. I received a letter back from the New Contemporaries competition informing me that I hadn;t made it through to the next stage. To be honest I wasn't too surprised (just dissapointed) I had a problem with the work that I submitted. I found it very difficult because of the timings that the work needed to be available in putting my current work forward. They clashed with my degree show so I submitted images from last semesters work. The onlyproblem was that this work is not fully resolved. Oh well, you live and learn. In retrospect I should have submitted my strongest work and if it got through then I would have had to deal with the problem.

It does seem odd though that a graduate student competition requires submission during degree show times. Surely it would be more sensible to give us time to finish our degrees before we apply.

We all meet as a group on Tuesday with our first year helpers, whose help I will be so grateful of. To discuss the matter of setting up our shows and timetables.