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It really feels like I am making progress now. The last 2 weeks have been frustrating, it involved a lot of waiting but finally we got all the materials and equipment we needed. We all have our spaces and we can all get on with painting the walls, making alterations and displaying the work.

I feel like I've got ahead of my schedule. My walls are secure, painted and ready. I have put my large paintings securely onto the walls and I will take the next few days painting back into them again.

I had to drive over to Nottingham yesterday to pick up some hand made frames from a framer that had been recommended. The frames are great but the journey there and backk is a complete nightmare. This has to be the worst city to drive in. I have driven around London many times, Birmingham, Sheffield, lots of cities and never really have much of a problem. But every time I drive to Nottingham I get lost, get stuck on one way systems, stuck in traffic jams, get people with road rage. Oh it's such a horrendous place to drive. Although it is a beautiful city.

I've still neglected my journals, I am just not finding the time to work in them much. I have lots of stuff to go in them but just need the time to put it all together.

There just seems to be a million and one things to do before the show.