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Dialogue update! We met last Thursday at Peters Grego’s house for some lovely pasta followed by hours of logistical planning. We decided on how our catalogue for the exhibition will look – considering the font style, text size, colour for cover. Favouring a postcard format each of us will have our own postcard with image on one side and text in both English and French on the other.

As Joss is in Bordeaux we use Skype to involve her in our meetings. It has proved a very useful tool to include Joss on all the decisions we make on organising the exhibition. It is also fun -especially with a glass of wine to liven up proceedings. Joss was able to update how things are procedding in Bordeaux, and it looks as if the British Consulate will be at our opening on the 4th November.

We are currently trying to get a curator/writer to come over to write about our show and try to get it in the art press. It is important to us to raise our profile as a group and as individual artists. We hope to have someone shortly.

My own work is progressing nicely and have got the design of the banners worked out. Hopefully these will be ready for printing next Monday. I have also decided on a photo -book to present a personal diary of my visit to Bordeaux in September. That’s all for now -will be in touch again shortly. Tom