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Second Mentor Meeting – The Fall Out.

Well I finally had my second mentor meeting last week. I have to confess it left me pretty shaken.

We discussed artwork which is decorative but has very little or no substance beyond the aesthetic. This is not the kind of artist I want to be and is why I requested this particular lady as my mentor as I am aware of the intellectual rigour she expects from her artists.

With my ongoing Crystal World project my aim is to create pieces that aesthetically take cues from the novel but rather than illustrate the story explore the themes raised within the narrative that resonate with me e.g. a confusion between truth and illusion, a seduction towards escapism, our desire to create a fantasy and the dangerous line between this and mental instability. I had felt that I was progressing with this however reading between the lines of what was said and not said yesterday I got the impression that my mentor felt I am not achieving this.

Following the meeting I was initially incredibly disheartened but have since pulled myself back up and I’m determined to just keep making, evaluating and learning. It can surely be the only way forward.