Doctor’s appointment this morning so got up earlier than usual. This means a lovely walk along by the cow-field in the fresh air, crows perched on the railings. Overcast skies remind me of a dream I had last night about getting out of the subway at 40th St to get to M’s house. In the dream, it’s drizzling, so I huddle inside my coat. Suddenly it’s a downpour and I’m running to M’s place. Then it’s a disaster movie and there are twin tornadoes heading straight at me. I’m on his street but wake up, heart pounding, before I get to the door….

This is probably related to the fact that I have started packing my tiny suitcase for the USA, which is exciting but also nervewracking. Rolling up all my summer clothes (no need for them in York, UK!) into tight bundles feels like coiling up my energies ready to spring into action in Philadelphia. Hmm.

You know how the Americans have medical names for every slightly difficult emotional state? Near the end of a brilliant exchange programme in painting at the Cooper Union, NYC, I told my tutor that I was having trouble concentrating. He said, ‘you’re suffering from transition anxiety, I get it myself’. Wow. Funny thing was that his diagnosis made me feel much better. Think I’m having a spell of T.A. today. It seems pointless to do much in the UK since I have only 3 weeks left, but it really is too early to pack or to make too many Philadelphia plans with friends.

ART: Yesterday I drew! My creative streak continues.

ON MY WEBSITE: new blog post about pinhole photography, something I intend to try very soon. Will update here with photos if I do…


Brief blog post today:

I’m really happy that I have found a dream that sustains my interest, that combines intellectual, business and manual labour, that combines criticality and community-outreach. Still excited!

Today, I’ll be working on my business plan and writing a review of two pretty interesting, and very different, books for http://whitehotmagazine.com. It’s the first time I’ve been sent a book to review that I get to keep. And it’s a beauty. Top secret for now, but will update here when the article is published.

Yesterday, while I didn’t make art, I spent my time on two activities that I consider to be creative and close to my artistic nerve. I sewed, sewed, sewed a charity shop dress into a beautiful summer music festival offering, and I baked three vegan cakes. Alongside *the dream* gallery plans, I’m slowing working on building up my creative confidence again so that I might be an exhibiting, practicing artist eventually too.

Ok, until tomorrow…


Two great things today:

1. My interview with London-based sculptor Nick Hornby has been published at Dazed today.

2. The Philadelphia “Promoters Bill” has been cancelled thanks to a huge online petition and lots of concerned Philadelphians phoning up the council offices. People everywhere do care about the arts and it shows when things like live music are put under threat.


Other than fixing a typo in the interview, today has been completely restful. As I mentioned earlier, due to ill health I’ve taken some time out of my MA, which has been frustrating. But at the same time it’s ben a great opportunity to develop new ideas and plans for the future.

I’ve been reading today about business plans at the Young, Fabulous and Self Employed blog. Am going to start making some initial notes towards a complete gallery business plan, as well as contacting some enterprise agencies about advice and training courses and stuff. Do get in touch if you have any expertise to share… In return I will ply you with drinks and write an article on your work on my website, which happily has received over 4,000 visitors and 40,000 hits this month.

Also, I’m hoping to give a talk at the Philadelphia Pecha Kucha (for more on what this is, click here) on the abstract painter Agnes Martin. Will post a video if it works out. Philadelphia art community networking begins!

Still so excited!!


I have decided to take a business studies course once my MA History of Art is over. Pretty excting stuff. Never imagined myself doing this!

Accounting, marketing, finance, management, ethics, etc… Perfect for practical gallery stuff.

If anyone has taken Open University: ‘An Introduction to Business’ I’d love to hear from you regarding whether it’s worth doing.

Best wishes,



Still reeling with excitement at the gallery project plan I announced yesterday. I’ve already had two offers of advice from fellow [a-n] bloggers Rosalind Davis and Jackie Berridge, recommended by Emily Speed on Twitter of all places. I’m so grateful for the spirit of sharing and community that [a-n] is fostering here, as I’m sure it will provide much support in the months and years to come. I hope I can encourage and support others too.

On top of that, I’ve arranged a meeting with a Philadelphia yoga studio arts co-ordinator, to discuss stuff like the legal side of things, health and safety, clientele, marketing and collaboration.

I’m also excited because I’ve finally hit on a project that will keep me enthused and prepared to put in the necessary hard work, as well as being something that will inspire me to write daily and to take baby steps each day until I reach my goal.

I’ve been wondering for such a long while how to combine my life-long passion for critical and ravishing contemporary art with a project that allows opportunities for community outreach and social action. THIS is it.

What has also been wonderful is that I’ve painted this week for the first time in years. Just some little play doodles, getting to used to what paint feels like again. Something of the enthusiasm of beginning a project I truly care about has rubbed off on my own art work. Perhaps at some point I will have an art practice again. Either way, I’m not giving up on being involved in the arts.

Goodness, how gushy of me! Well, I’m sure once I start my Introduction to Business course and get bogged down in accounting, finance, management and accounting, things won’t be so simple.

Anyway, and finally, I wanted to signpost a couple of recent blog posts on my website: This first one is an appeal for signatures in an online petition to prevent a particularly nasty bill being passed in Philadelphia, which would make organisation and promotion of live music almost impossible. Do check it out and sign the petition! Secondly, I wrote an excitable post, complete with scribbly sketches, about my Philadelphia gallery dream… if anyone reading this has any expertise, skills or advice to offer, please message me and I will repay you with drinks/dinner/cake and an article about your work on my website.

Thanks! Becky X x