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Two great things today:

1. My interview with London-based sculptor Nick Hornby has been published at Dazed today.

2. The Philadelphia “Promoters Bill” has been cancelled thanks to a huge online petition and lots of concerned Philadelphians phoning up the council offices. People everywhere do care about the arts and it shows when things like live music are put under threat.


Other than fixing a typo in the interview, today has been completely restful. As I mentioned earlier, due to ill health I’ve taken some time out of my MA, which has been frustrating. But at the same time it’s ben a great opportunity to develop new ideas and plans for the future.

I’ve been reading today about business plans at the Young, Fabulous and Self Employed blog. Am going to start making some initial notes towards a complete gallery business plan, as well as contacting some enterprise agencies about advice and training courses and stuff. Do get in touch if you have any expertise to share… In return I will ply you with drinks and write an article on your work on my website, which happily has received over 4,000 visitors and 40,000 hits this month.

Also, I’m hoping to give a talk at the Philadelphia Pecha Kucha (for more on what this is, click here) on the abstract painter Agnes Martin. Will post a video if it works out. Philadelphia art community networking begins!

Still so excited!!