Research appeal

The local papers have picked up my request to interview people connected with Craig-y-nos. While it has resulted in a few people e-mailing/phoning me these have all- with one exception- been ex-members of staff.

The Wellcome Trust are being very helpful with background material.


Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders

Have had a request from someone who wants to buy a copy of my video of the Argyll & Sutherland Highland Regiment marching through Stirling. Have also had a request for a copy of Adelina Patti singing "Home Sweet Home" in my "Singing Ghost" movie.

These raise all kinds of issues: how much do I charge? do I offer a "Directors cut" version- lots of unedited footage, and what about copyright issues in the "Singing Ghost"?

Had a publisher on the phone this morning before 9 o'clock wanting to commission a book. We discussed it for a while and it was agreed I would get back to him after I return from Wales.

Two local papers in Wales are carrying today my appeal for my project "The Lost Children of Craig-y-nos" and e-mails have started to roll in to-night.


Moral dilemma in video-making

Using your family and friends as raw material in making videos is tricky. You walk a thin line between exploiting them or turning them into an "art video".

Bill Viola –http://www.billviola.com – never had any qualms in this area: he regarded his family as grist for his artistic mill and filmed his wife giving birth and his mother dying.

Well, the reason I bring this up is that my project is far less emotionally fraught but it crosses over cultural boundaries between East and West. Over Christmas I had two students staying (Shanghai and Hong Kong) and between us we made a short film – well 18 minutes. They have agreed I can put it up on YouTube. (After I cut it back to three mins max.) In fact they are quite looking forwrd to seeing it on YouTube…but I feel a bit squeamish turning what was an informal family occasion into a film for the world-wide web.



Aren't we all longing to get our mitts on one?…y'know what I mean…and we have to wait until the end of the year! I'm talking about the most hyped gadget around: IPhone.

Come to think of it I am going to New York in March…maybe I can buy one then.