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I am interested in how we communicate in the digital age when everything is free and instant.

So, during a recent visit to the Caribbean I kept a travel blog and discovered a whole new sub-culture- on the internet: an amazing collection of multi-media travel blogs on


Check out my travel blog on:


What struck me about these blogs was not only their authenticity but the freshness the writers, mostly young people on gap years, brought to the subject.

In my former life as a journalist, before I went to Glasgow School of Art, I had occasionally been offered what was known in the trade as “freebies” invitations to travel abroad. These were all carefully orchestrated so that you only saw the best of the country. Our travel reports were inevitably sanitised. There was an unspoken understanding between newspapers and travel companies that if you wrote anything that was highly critical you wouldn’t be asked again.

Of course the visits were so carefully managed by PR people you rarely got to see anything they didn’t want you to anyway. ( We are talking about travel writing not political journalism).