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“Listen to your tutors”. That was the advise from an artist whose workshop I attended before going to art college as a mature student.

Of course I didn’t! And I regret it. Now ten years later words from some tutors come floating back to me, words that at the time I ignored because I reckoned I knew better.

Yes there was an awful lot of dubious pseudo-intellectual jargon talked but there was a core of excellence at Glasgow School of Art and it was a case of tapping into it.

I thought of this the other day while attending a workshop in the Changing Room gallery Stirling on video performance.

“ We want to make you feel a bit uncomfortable. We want to get you out of your comfort zone.”

Yes I heard words similar to those ten years ago …except then I chose to ignore it because I did not appreciate what they were getting at.

If you do work that you know and are comfortable with you are not stretching yourselves, you are not pushing boundaries.

And if you know in advance what you want to do then you are doing somebody else’s work.

Forth Valley Open Studios

Publicity is kicking in. A number of artists have been contacted by our local papers and have been interviewed.
