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Picasso was once asked:"why do you make work" and he replied:"why do birds sing?"

Thursday means IT Guardian. Victor Keegan is writing about the Slingbox.. This is a new gadget that allows you to access your computer and telly from anywhere in the world …on your mobile phone.

He says:"All of the new social networking sites- from You Tube to My Space- are hosted on the internet so can be accessed directly by phone wherever you are. So why rush back to your computer at home? Mobilise yourself: the revolution is just beginning."

(I am writing this in order to avoid getting down to doing work…it's the equivalent to finding odd jobs to do, fiddling with paper clips and anything that puts off the evil moment when you start the day working).

Wikia have launched a new site called Open Serving a free server where anyone can launch content and collect advertising revenue.