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When I began this project into the collective memories of a community dealing with a taboo disease I little dreamt that it would include having men breaking down and crying on the phone as they re-lived memories of 50 years ago.

Listening to a tape recording of one such interview yesterday -I couldn't help wondering how much more suppressed grief there is around this subject not only in the country but other countries too where they imposed this strict militaristic regime on children often in prison like conditions.

One interesting development is that another group has sprung up in the Southampton area which is beginning to explore its own medical history and they have started a blog too.

This photo of Winnie Gardiner ( if I manage to upload it on my Apple without having to resort to my partner's PC again!) is of a child who spent five years in this remote TB sanatorium and was treated for a disease she never had.

She came home aged nearly six years on calipers, a cripple from so many years in bed. Many years later it was discovered she had celiac disease, an allergy to gluten.