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Have started on the picture selection for the book,"The Children of Craig-y-nos".

Over 1,200 photos have been sent in by former child patients or their families so it is quite a task.

Fortunately we have already done most of the repair work on the images in Photoshop in order to prepare images for the three exhibitions which have taken place.

Have just had some emails from Patti in Texas which show how this story has touched the hearts of people around the world.

This is an extract:

"My heart was captivated by all the stories and photos of the people, mostly the children, who were treated in this "hospital".

More than anything else, I wanted you to know that your story has touched me so that I plan to share this with my friends. It is not a whimsical look at "sick kids in a castle" or even for the rush of telling ghost stories. I am so glad I found this story. Thank you for all your hard work to share this almost lost moment in time…and THANK YOU for sharing it in a way that it even reached someone like me…all the way in Houston, Texas, USA. Most respectfully, Patti Abbott-French"