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Meetings and start dates

The project started on Monday with a meeting in London. Discussing the conceptual basis of the project, ideas about exhibition venues and research papers with Helen Sloan from SCAN was a great way to kick things off. The conversation flowed as I emptied my brain about all the connections, connotations and relationships between the residency focus and my research. Helen put forward ideas and contexts for me to consider. It was a good start to the project.

Tuesday found me at a meeting at Hethel Engineering Centre (www.hethelcentre.com ). Derek Hillyard the engineering manager has been supportive of my project ideas from the outset, responding to my first email enquiry by inviting me to a meeting to discuss my ideas. With the project up and running its all systems go and we discussed logistics such as days to be on site, ordering software, publicity and Derek also suggested a visit to a local foundry that use RP which sounds great. I’m feeling excited about getting started on documenting this new type of industrial space over the next two weeks before I begin my CAD training.

Of course the project didn’t really start on Monday, it’s a culmination of ideas gathered from a whole host of sources, interactions, exhibition visits, conversations, reading and research all of which has been piling up over an extended period of time. These ideas are beginning to be filtered and organised, selected and refined which is a very welcome process. I have wanted to do this residency for a long time.