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My father is a big believer in seeing progression in artistic practice as a key to quality. His big bugbears (well one of them) is the ‘one trick pony’ artist (fill in your own names here). This is obviously a subjective judgement and perhaps one that for fairness, requires more inquiry than a cursory glance at a review can supply.
However it is a useful thing to hold in mind at certain points when making. A goal at any rate. Is there a progression here? Am I on a flat line of development – wallpaper in different colour ways or am I a little bit nearer to reinventing the elusive wheel?
Being of very poor memory, I struggle to hold lots of conscious strands in my head at one time and have to rely upon a greater power in the subconscious to make sense of it all, somewhere.  I’m sure it’s more truthful working in this way, following intuition, hoping that it won’t let you down.
So following my Apple Pie Marathon at the last Fermynwoods Wild Networking event this seemed right.