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Dear Reader,

I have decided to start a new project leading on from my work at university.

Whilst at university I explored themes of disability and social standing. My work was an observation of how disability is portrayed and viewed by the general public. This work slowly became more of a feature piece on myself, my own disability and my real life experiences.

Since leaving university I have been thinking introspectivly about the relationship I have with my body. In my formitive years when I should have been gaining comfortability with my body and exploring my sexuality I experienced phyical trauma not once but twice, leaving me disassociated with myself. I was first raped on my way home from school at age 13 and then by 15 I was classified as disabled and unable to walk. The two events acted as a disruption to my sexual identity and added towards the physical interplay between trauma and illness. My body does not feel like my own.

Through art I plan to explore the complex dynamic between me and my physical self and gain some ownership back.