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Still in chaos but beginning to emerge. Lots of DAD stuff going on, some of it still too early to report on publicly but, we’ve got through to interview panel for a film project we want to do, which is exciting. More on this later, if we are successful.

Went to the opening of the Hayward’s new show “Walking in my Mind” yesterday and spent time looking and trying to take in the experience despite all the other people there. I may be doing some tour guiding, an opportunity that has come up through Central St Martins. It will be good to do the training, whatever happens. I’ve never had to lead a group of 50 people round a show before. Not sure how I am going to talk about the show – many pieces examine ideas of the brain as being made up of component parts, as information storage and processing systems, systems of connected wires; all to some extent try to represent what is going on inside the artist’s head.

I’m not sure about the show: some of the work seems almost too literal; some of the connections with mindscape seem forced; and I’d have liked to see Yayoi Kusama’s work take up much more space. Maybe there are just too many artists and not enough space to really immerse oneself in any of the pieces.