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Some thoughts and ideas

I am continuing with some of smaller works, some outdoor experiments (weather permitting, rained off today) and applying some techniques to cardboard.

Feels like I have fingers in lots of pies which is good but keeps me distracted from completing things. Having given myself such an open brief I maybe need to hone in on certain areas rather than trying to maintain every possible angle? The difficulty with this is that I don’t feel I know enough about anything to start making those kinds of decisions. Playing about seems more appropriate when I seem so easily distracted.

Research is also hard, just in the sense that I feel it hasn’t got started even though it has, there is such a lot to think about, views to consider and traditions, what exactly am I researching? I guess research never becomes more than snippets of information when writing in this way because there isn’t enough room to write at great length. Also I wonder whether anyone reads this? And sometimes even if I want anyone to?