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Well i haven't blogged in a while, mainly because editing the sound in my worm film has been harder than i first thought! Since the sound from my original footage was faulty and i was out of time to go digging for new worms to re-shoot i had the crazy idea of re- creating the sound of worms moving on a bed of feathers by rubbing feathers against paper myself. It was raining on my way home and the pavement was covered in worms! I queried running home to get some sort of container but thought making the sound myself would be alot less hassle…so wrong!
I have found it is extremely difficult to edit snippets of sound perfectly in sinc with the movements of the worms! So i have spent the last day and a half in the computer suite painstakingly watching the movements and matching sound! the outcome seems pretty believable.
So now i have the film ready i have the technical issues to deal with. As i am boarding my projection into the fake wall i have to build a projection box the right dimensions, make sure the projector doesnt get too hot, find away to turn the projector on once it built into the wall (find someone with long arms!)
hopefully this will all commence tomorrow! meanwhile my third year helper has done a fantastic job cleaning the filthy floor and i have three of my four walls ready, after ALOT of effort sanding off the giant rainbow!