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Pulling ideas from Pitman’s short hand in Welsh language.

Writing approaches / monologues and script writing.

I wrote a rough first draft script during the Litmus residency I undertook at Oriel Davies, Newtown. I used this collection of writing / scribbles to make a new sound recording with accompanying sound scape made by the Composer Samuel Barnes during the ‘Experimentica’ festival, Chapter gallery.

These two bodies of research helped me organise my approaches to writing with Llyr on this research project.

I was thinking about the familiarity of language and when it isn’t used regularly. What you remember, what gets left behind. Jerry’s Novel ‘Ebergofiant’, made me think about the pace of reading and when your unfamiliar with the spelling style, how it slows down your ability to read successfully or speedily

I was interested in exploring what wasn’t recorded, the gaps in-between words. The pauses or mistakes that might incur when reading. Pattern, mistakes and words within words. e.g

‘Arwynebedd – Ar wyneb bedd’ ( Translation – ‘surface area – on the face of the grave’ ) An element of poetics and repetition is lost in translation.

All these things built up the approach we took when writing this speculative language. Speaking from a present position towards an unknown future and audience.

I was particularly interested in using Science Fiction genre as a means to propel the narrative of the script and think about minority languages outside of their original context.

As the research and writing progressed, inventing words became secondary to our approach and the reintroduction of obsolete and archaic spelling became crucial to how we employed our findings.