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Recording studio

We used the Sound recording studio at the Vic, Wrexham.

We approached the actor Wyn Bowen Harries to read the script. We discussed approaches to the reading and asked Wyn to bring some acting methodologies to the rehearsal to be able to find an appropriate style of oration / performance.

The script contained more than several hundred-foot notes to help Wyn decipher a large proportion of the vocabulary we employed and the etymology.

We spent a considerable amount of time deciding and discussing relevant pronunciation for words that might not have been spoken for several centuries. We also employed the pronunciations of words appropriated from other related Celtic languages.

Where possible we never used the same word twice and searched for similarities in word construction from related Celtic languages to portray the similarities between the languages and also show how these words might have evolved throughout the centuries. Alternative spelling to commonly used words in contemporary Welsh language also enabled us to explore varying degrees of pronunciation and intonation.

Link to sound recording.