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The last two weeks have been spent, among other many things, preparing to spend two days in a booked project space. The idea is to capitalise on a larger space to explore installation and different scale work.

It is like a large drawing where space and the creation of it become important. Scale changes not just the perception and impact but the simple stuff such as logistics of creating lines/block colour etc. Time constraints among other things make the process an evolutionary thing. Although originally it was intended to be a more considered work in terms of planning and execution, that altered as the short project was realised.

Colour, always an important factor was consciously decided upon. From previous colour “collection” exercises, the colours were chosen. It is a different effect but still striking in its own way.

There is plenty to reflect upon and learn for the next similar intervention.

Otherwise small and annoying but necessary administrative tasks related to the course must be completed. We have a visit from our external examiner soon so an information sheet about our work had to be provided. We then have a short interview with them.

The next task to complete is a proposal for our final show. We don´t get assigned space, but must look at the available space and come up with a work proposal for a specific space. This can be done individually or in a group format. On one hand this is a great opportunity to submit a professional document using clear intentions which will also aid planning for the final show. On the other hand its an exercise which can be frustrating as it can be difficult to come to agreeable conclusions when working with a number of other people who all have different ideas about their work and are quite particular in their desires for the final show. However, it will be resolved soon and concentrating on making the work will be the focus rather than the issues around it.