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Spending time reflecting on work done is as important as continually working on the actual physical work – the distinction of what is work is an intriguing one, to me the reflecting and collection of thoughts around what you are doing is part of the work, and cannot be separated one from the other.

Thus, a fair amount of time this week has been spent thinking/reflecting and on how this relates to the planning of the final show. I´m quite interested in careful planning around the many things I can control, but aware of the importance of not planning too much. My work really has an emphasis on intuitive decisions which I wouldn´t want to take out of the process.

So, planning with room for alteration and working in the space at the time is the way I am looking to complete it. So, loosely planning and creating a series of “props” I´ll probably use in the installation has been the focus. I still also feel a need to continue searching for colours and forms – I feel that research in my practice is not something that is seperate from the other aspects, it still goes alongside and continues to influence work in development. Some of the images here show this.