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Arriving at the beginning of the last day before the project deadline, I am eager to finish up all those last small details. Sometimes these are the things which take up so much time! In the end, it is sensible to remember things do not always turn out as expected and a bit of flexibility needs to be had. That being said, most things have gone to plan in installing/creating my work for the final show.

Today is just about tidying up, making sure I have all the relevant documentation/coursework required and documenting the installation. I should have enough time today to spend a bit looking at object placement, trying different combinations – this is really helpful to do to make the best use of the space relative to what I have on the walls.

I also did a bit of object placement away from the exhibition space yesterday – I have been planning to get one of the objects I have made for the installation out onto the street, to see how it related to that context. It is maybe not quite as I expected, as the object has turned out so similar to the original source image. However, it was useful to take it out of its studio context – something to think about for the next project maybe….