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So, over the summer I have been doing a bit of work with an artist called Matthew Darbyshire.

It’s been an amazing experience meeting him and working with him on his sculpture project Renaissance City in an amazing old dairy barn at Stanny House Farm, Iken, Suffolk.  Matt studied sculpture at The Slade and did his MA at the Royal Academy.  I’m filled with awe at that, I just love the idea of studying at such prestigious places! Who knows, maybe I’ll give it a shot.

Renaissance City, 2014,  Matthew Darbyshire, Stanny House Farm, Iken, Suffolk

Being able to chat informally with him has really helped me break some barriers I feel between working artists and the idea of myself being in the same boat.  Understanding some of the reality of his situation, even just a glimpse has been really informative and, inspiring.  It’s made me realise that this is something I’d really like to work at.  I don’t think I’d forgive myself if I didn’t give it a go as I feel completely comfortable with myself when I’m doing this and really feel like it’s the thing for me.

Working on Renaissance City, 2014

Having been inspired by Matt and meeting other people working in the art world I’ve been champing at the bit to get back into uni after the summer and flog it for all it’s worth.  Having the free reign and lack of pressure while at uni is something I know I’m going to miss so want to make the best of this final year! (it’s going to go so quickly and that saddens me intensely).

Help from Matt and Grace’s gorgeous daughter Dotty, 2014

I’m still working on some of Matt’s sculptures and loving it.  It’s great to feel that you’re trusted by someone with something so important, a great confidence boost.  It’s given me such energy that i’m ploughing through work of my own already.  My attitude now is, if it comes into my mind and it feels like a good thing to do, do whatever it takes to make it happen, no matter how many forms I need to fill out, people I need to ask favours of or places I need to go, I’m going to get it done! Tenacious, yep.