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Having received the extra lights in the post yesterday, I’ve managed to complete the first attempt at the neon sign.

Neon Sign, almost complete, 2014, Hannah Maynard, neon strip lights, chip board

Initially I was unsure how to secure the tail of the ‘y’ which s why in the image above it is left hanging.  Because of the placement of the lettering on the board, there was not enough board at the lower edge to fix the tail completely.  With a little experimentation I have managed to secure it in a way that works quite well when illuminated.  Some slight adjustment might be needed to make sure it sits as well as it can but I can do that when I make the finishing touches.

Completed first attempt, 2014, Hannah Maynard, neon strip lights, chip board

Seeing the sign lit like in the image above is very satisfying.  Overall I’m really pleased with the result.  However, there are a few changes I would like to make.  As mentioned in the previous post I’ve been considering using fish wire fed through small holes in the board to secure the lights in place instead of the hundreds of nails which look rough.


Next Steps:

– Source fishing wire

– experiment with fish wire to affix light strips

– clean up board, remove pen, sand edges