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Yesterday – another Sunday afternoon bike ride around Wood Dalling, stopping off at the church of course. This is a big village! Not that there are many houses, but they lie in little hamlets: 'Red Pits', 'Foundry Hill', 'Crabgate' and 'Norton Corner'. These are probably very old settlements. What they share is the sight of St Andrew's tower. In fact the parish boundary is like the rim of a wheel, with the church as the hub.

Last Sunday when we were out on the bikes, two seemingly identical black and white horses suddenly came into sight. A man and a woman, both hatless and with flowing hair, were riding bareback side-by-side across a field from the direction of a wood. Somehow an almost otherworldly vision – you felt they might disappear into mist.

Anyway, this week we saw the couple again; the woman was tending a gypsy caravan and they had wood sculpture for sale by the road. Wonder whether they and the other inhabitants of Wood Dalling will be interested in Festial? The church congregation is probably tiny so I'll need to find another way of letting local people know about the project.
