Viewing single post of blog Festial

Two weeks ago today I was out on my bike under threatening skies casting my circle sunwise around Wood Dalling. There's not been time to pause and update this blog since! And no time today, either, as it's the slash07 private view this evening and before that my mentor Jo from the Babylon Gallery in Ely is coming over for a mentoring session. She's coming along to Wood Dalling church with me and then on to the pv. There'll be lots to talk about and I'm looking forward to it.

The work I have in slash07 has all arisen from Rogationtide, and has all been made within the last two weeks!! And the last three days of that have been occupied with hanging the exhibition … some sleep will be nice.

Meanwhile, I'm posting a few pics of what I've been up to since my last blog entry and looking forward to being able to update 'at leisure' (?) tomorrow!
