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I'm finding myself in a period of uncertainty about the project. The past two days have been totally given over to working on Kalender. Selecting and preparing images and finding text are part of the work, I know, and it's absolutely true that by doing this I'm generating ideas for further exploration.

The problem, I think, lies in the fact that I'm questioning the validity of the St Christopher journey as 'art'. Does that matter? Is it what I do with the material collected along the way that counts? Does it matter if some of the festivals end up feeling less significant than others? Will I ever have time to make more ambitious work that side-steps away from literal responses?

At the same time as I'm musing on this, I'm aware of a box containing 150 copies of the last 'Bonfires and Relics' Kalender with its stapled-on free gift, to be left in various places for people to find and (hopefully) take away. So I need to see to that too. Thanks to Trevor, it's also up on the website: www.world-tree.co.uk/festial.

I've been sending out around 30 copies of each issue to press contacts, curators and arts officers. There have been three Kalenders now and they've been met with a resounding silence. This, I'm sure, is adding to the feeling of stasis.

Having said that, hammering the layout together with my computer guru is always so exciting that hopefully these worries will recede.