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Still working on the Kalender production line! This All Souls issue has coincided with so many other things that need to be done, and consequently seems to have taken an age to prepare for distribution. But now all the little ‘poor souls’ are in their cellophane bags, the rubberstamping is finished and compliment slips printed and sliced up, and all I have to do is to buy a new stapler (now where did I put the old one?!!) and attach 180 little ‘souls’ to the covers.

Christmas? Ah, well, Christmas is the next festival I need to plan for … and what a good thing it doesn’t fall until January 7th according to the Julian Calendar!

The photographs here were taken by Trevor from the scaffolding tower currently occupying part of the nave of the church. He took the opportunity to grab an unusual perspective on the familiar Wood Dalling characters.