My uncles over from Australia, an artist and head of a Fine art practice BA course at western australia university until the recent closure of the course. I am hoping to meet him next week, and excited at the prospect of discussing work with him as an adult (the last time I saw him I was 15 or so…). I have read about much of his early work, letters my mum kept from him and find his work has parallels in places with my own investigations, performative, a love of drawing, collaborative at times and operating under a guise; a name constructed from a jumbling of his own name.

Originally my mum had arranged for him to visit her and then we would all have to be at hers that day (The siblings that is). However because of Gower i will miss this occasion and I am pleased. It would be a day controlled by my mother and would not be a true reflection of her children who are now adults. We would be seen within the 2 point 4 children setting, with a diluted identity and one shadowed by childhood and I am happy to have a reason to meet him alone and share with him who I am not who I may perceive to be..is that bad?