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Fish pie on a hot sunny day, – nobody likes it and I sure don’t like making it, mothering is a thankless task at times. Still, term over and time to celebrate, G&T always makes washing the dishes better. At this point everything seems in disarray. We’re about to go away on a break and the house is knee deep in readily washed clothes. I’ve had a constant barrage of paid work opportunities this week ( schools etc) and have spent the week phoning back and forward and trying to juggle child care in order to fit them all in. As no one has definite dates yet, let alone absolute confirmation that it will go ahead my head is spinning trying to make some sense of it all. Still, paid work is wonderful in this climate.

The video I’m making for the Salisbury Festival is giving me a major headache. Time is running out and I have spent so long editing it I can no longer stand back and look at it objectively. I am so immersed I have no idea if it’s really doing what I wanted it to do. Having to leave it unfinished for a week is making me seriously nervous.

Meetings and more meetings about the project in Salisbury. At this point it could still get kicked out when presented to the council – yet another loose end. And so, about to set off, I’m leaving an unfinished film with a deadline looming, a proposal hanging in the air to Salisbury city council and five projects which will or will not take place and will or will not align with childcare next month. hey ho, one things for sure – as soon as I get out that door, I’m forgetting the lot of them!