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I read Glenn Ibbitson’s article ‘RE.The great Open Submission swindle’ in this months a-n and wanted to shout Yes, Yes!, it’s about time someone flagged this up. With a gallery I won’t mention not far from me choosing 20 or so artists from almost a thousand enteries, just how can this be a sustainable structure to support emerging artists.

With a recent one raising the bar with a £32 entry fee, just how many times can an artist submit before they run out of cash completely. And yet, speaking to curators over the last year about this particular subject I’ve had the same response, ‘Emerging artists just have to do it, all the established names have’.

Yeah, right. It doesn’t have to be like this. I happily took part in a show where there was no entrance fee but a slightly heftier hanging fee once selected. All the artists selected helped out (it was an artist run show) and the money paid towards an excellent space and publicity. All happy. I guess 20 artists are no way going to generate the funding a thousand applications at £32 a pop will.

Anyway, as suggested in the article, along with another artist, we are looking to secure a space and exhibit our own show. This is gathering pace fast with some really encouraging meetings with Salisbury council and a fantastic space on offer. It’s seriously scary to think of the work involved but to be in control of the work, how it’s exhibited and promoted is really exciting. We’re looking to run a series of events and the show itself will have an interactive element relating to the space. Offers of help have come from some really respected professionals so we will certainly tap into them. Until we have firm confirmation and dates (probably early June 2011), I’m keeping schtum but we should have it all stitched up by early December.