Viewing single post of blog Four for Mutuality


Well it’s almost a week now since we opened our final show at the Southside, ‘Brigadoon’.

It’s been a summer of intense energy and we’re still reeling from the extreme highs and lows that go along with the total immersion in a project. But we grumble not!

The achievements of all the participating Mutual artists this summer is astounding, made all the more poignant as the students return to art school, we realise, we were doing the same only 12 months ago.

If you missed the opening last weekend, we will opening the doors of the Southside once more tomorrow, Saturday 26th, between 12 and 5.

Do pop along if you can, the 44A or the 66 gets you to Victoria road at Bowman Street. The show really is worth the trip over the river, and we’ll throw in a cup of tea and a biscuit for that extra incentive…