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Travelling through Germany….


During the middle leg of our journey back we had a group session, mind-mapping the trip. Here is a beefed up digital version – – this hopefully gives you an idea of the spaces we saw, people we met and research yet to do!


Alighting at Manchester….


It was great to have a group of people to talk critically with during and after the the trip, particularly for me, as I still feel new to Manchester. I feel like the group came up with a few seeds of ideas for potential projects along the trip. One of these being Lonely Artists, styled on a lonely hearts column but for artists to meet up to have 121 time about their practice or projects. After such a great train journey, I’m keen to do an artist train project. I think having focused time to talk, without a set outcome, is highly beneficial for artists. Perhaps this could be combined with the Lonely Artists idea, with artists applying for an Artists Railcard to go on a journey. Perhaps they could be paired with other artists to share the journey and ideas.. Anyway, watch this space – an Artists Railcard project may be in the making!