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Video as a Research Paradgim – A Digital Sketchbook Existing in Time

A few days ago I met with Helen who’s husband races his pigeons across the east of Scotland. She was kind enough to let me observe the ‘Doos”, meet and chat with her family and sip coffee with her and her mum.

She then left me to it as I looked, recorded and fell a wee bit in love with the pigeons, their sounds, movements, interactions and plumage (like they’ve been dipped into an oil).

I collected audio that day that will hopefully make the final edit for the audio content of the installation.

For the video content – this was always a maybe as to whether it would make the final work as digital content – it seems that for this project the video is becoming like a sketchbook, a source I can make that exists as an exercise and precursor to the final sound installation.

I’m not really sure how I feel about that yet, having always edited and re-edited video to reach a final moving image work.

I suppose it was really an exercise in contemplation if nothing else.

Does this have another function I can’t see yet?