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The bird heads became an issue, they have been refused and I was told that I couldn’t exhibit them inside the Cathedral.
I was given the option to show them in the Cloisters but I decide that this was not an appropriate space, because of the sound installation, and they should be seen in a separate space.

These didn’t give me much choice, as there are not many covered outside spaces and after long discussion and few meetings I have been aloud to use the outside gateways of the Cathedral into College and Millers Green.

The original idea was to make-preserve 40 heads of ducks, chickens and pheasants and place them on top of the original architectural fixtures – angels, which heads have been broken or removed inside the Cathedral. Where their strange beauty and elevated status will draw attention to the ambivalence of our relationship with birds, whom we both protect and preserve as well as exploit.
Then I asked for permission to take moulds of two original angels and cast them.

This was very easy and with no problems I had the scaffolding put up for me and when ahead with the mould making, and made two different moulds.

A week later I had 40 casts made in plaster and two weeks later I had them all cleaned and finished. Thanks god to Jess and Holly who came to the rescue and helped me with the painting work.

I decide it to use the colours and the stencil design from the Altar and paint the angels.