G O N E P O S T A L – You’ve got mail.

With the imagined tags “When I think I know, you’ll know” and “I don’t yet know what this is” a picture and some thoughts on mapping and positioning, and perception in hybrid environments in the form of interesting links.







My sister wrote to me on Saturday:

“I was just reading your latest blog and reflecting on my memories. I thought of two that had profound effect on my life. One was the day we sat together, in a pew, at Kevin’s wedding. I remember the sun, windows, dresses, and smells. The main part of the memory was your hands and how they looked. It triggered a deep internal need I thought I buried, to know my roots and started my journey. I will never forget your hands and that day.”


G O N E P O S T A L : You’ve got mail!

You have been so great about sending me the images I ask for. My folders are brimming and I love getting mail.

Very few of you have asked me why I’m asking for these images which is really, really nice because 1) it makes me think you trust me and 2) I’m not really sure I can say in words at this point just why I am asking for the images I’m asking for.

But I am getting closer. My program kinda’ rocks and every week the walls in the hot pink war room look different which is a very, very good thing.

It’s important to have a file marked “dead ends”. And I am learning to trust that attrition doesn’t mean I will forget to address the things about my work and the nature of on line images that excite me.

Stay tuned for entries where I try to find words to explain why I need your images. I promise false starts of all sorts and reflections on the nature of on line images: their capacity for dialogue? their embodied knowledge? their relationship to time?

Who knows? But when I know or think I know, you’ll know.


I did. I thought it would be easy.

I am interested in cognition, learning, mapping and positioning and I’m in a new place and at school, so it’s perfect. Gosh, I thought, I will have so much to reflect on, my papers will practically write themselves.

And I mean I’m studying in the motherland. How hard can it be? It’s kinda’ like being at grandma’s house. Surely I will manage. My operating system will work at the relatives’.

But it’s hard. Much harder than expected when I finally sat down after background girl got me on the plane.

I think I underestimated how tiring frequent “vestibular upsets” associated with repositioning myself in foreign lands would be. Because as if it’s not enough to feel these things in every fiber of my body, I then have to write about them. And everything is just so gosh darn interesting.


G O N E P O S T A L:

I am pleased to see my folders of solicited images filling up.

I am, however, profoundly jealous* of Martin O’Neill’s


vast archive


I have to rethink the scale and scope of my commissioning. I find it funny that I have largely neglected social networking as a means of gathering materials.

Funny that.