Stephen B. MacInnis sent me an interesting box from Prince Edward Island, Canada recently.

Stephen loves collaboration and forwarded a box of materials to the UK to assist him with his ‘long series’ which will eventually include 10,000 12×12 works on paper.

I was the UK box’s first stop and then I passed it on to Rachel Pinks from Derbyshire.

Stephen had begun work on many sheets including prints, marks, maps and photographs. I was amazed by how much of the imagery was similar to images I am currently working with.

I loved returning to collage and working on multiple works at the same time and have decided to explore my own works on paper to reflect on my recent trip to Ireland.





On Sunday I returned from a field study project in Ballyvaughn, Ireland. I will have more to say about this amazing experience shortly.

What struck me on Monday when I uploaded 385 images from the trip was how my favourites at first glance where two images taken in Bristol on Sunday – after my return.

This is the beauty of travel and of ‘time and location’ explorations like the solar plate etching process introduced by David Ferry and Laura Lillie in cooperation with Burren College of Art: fresh eyes are afforded upon one’s return.

This makes me excited about my eventual return home to Canada.