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Getting some ideas for small projects to carry out here;whether they’ll be feasible remains to be seen but I have made enquiries about decorating the old school quadrange across the street. i saw it when wew ent over to colect the chairs for last week’s presentation and realised it’s a delightfullly small but quite well formed quad with arches and columns. it’s inside a defunct school now used by two community colleges. I’m told it’s owned by the police so might be tricky to negotiate but I will try as it would be good to improve its appearance for the users and the locals and it’s so close to Greatmore so it could be part of my show of work.

We all went to the new exhibition ‘situation’ at the Association of Visual Arts last night : installations of lights mounted on various supports. The dominant piece, ‘untitles(distance to the ground)’ uses three wooden ladders, some very tall, with antique lamp holders fitted with low energy bulbs in them shining on each other-rather Kafka-like,This seems appropriate enough for an artist who has also just contributed to the lighting design of a theatre piece I’m seeing tonight at the City Hall, a roving dance drama directed by Jay Pather,based on Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.

The AVA artist is Vaughn Sadie who has just completed a residency at the Bag Factory in Johannesburg, Greatmore’s sister workshop in South Africa.